Are You Spending So Much Money On Your Phone? It’s Time You Start Using It To Make Money. And after testing this out with complete beginners, we’ve 
realized that...
ANYONE Can Do This!

Read The Page Below To Find Out How You Can Start Making Money Today With Your Phone

Regular price N3,500          Today Price N1,500

Early bird special is ending soon - claim your copy now!

The price for this program will increase after
every 5 sales, so make sure to get your
instant access now.

From the desk of Emmanuel,

v Do you ever feel like you aren’t getting all the pieces of the puzzle when it comes to making money?
v Do you ever get frustrated because there are always so many shiny objects that always make such big promises but always under deliver?
v Do you ever feel like you’ve finally accomplished something and build an actual business! But after a few days you realized that you’ve just wasted all your time and effort… because you still haven’t made the kind of money you expected?
v Are you sick and tired of attending seminars and workshops by the so-called “experts” who never really give you the true secrets on how the make their money?
v Would you be happy and forever grateful if you were handed a blueprint on how to make money that requires…
ü No experience
ü No website
ü No registering of anyone
ü No stress

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions…

You NEED to read Every-Single-Word on this page!

Why you ask?

Because I Will Be Giving You A Step-By-Step Blueprint
That Will Change Your Life. And Give You
The 6 Figure Income You Deserve!

What if...Instead of posting pictures, crushing candy, or clicking "like" on your friends posts...You could do just almost the same thing - clicking a few buttons on your phone, and end up earning a lot of money instead?

You see it was just a little more than a few years back that I was in a similar situations as you…

Before I started all this business, I was a customer support specialist. To be honest I hated the job, I hated the field, basically hated everything about it.

Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) the company I was working for faced a financial crisis and laid off over 30% of their workers. I happened to be one of them.

After the incident I felt that maybe it was high time for me to take my own path.

Just like some of you reading this I was enticed with the prospect of online marketing.

And like many of you time and time again I was unable to make money because the programs were difficult to set up, or there weren’t detailed enough, and so forth…

Eventually I was finally able to start my own business after I finally stopped chasing after shiny objects.

Ever since then, I’ve been quietly helping individuals, businesses and coaches set up this lucrative business with your phone.

Due to all the junk that I had to go through in the initial stages of online business,

I decided that I would one day make a simple system that would be able to change aspiring business men/women and entrepreneur’s lives.

I wanted to create something so simple that it could really Transform Newbies from broke, frustrated, and confused into successful, confident, and wealthy business men.

25 ways to make money with your phone
This comprehensive, self-explanatory book shows you 25 different but genuine ways to make money with your phone, from the comfort of your home. Your phone is a money-spinning tool; learn how to use it to make money now!
All You Have To Do Is Follow My Blueprint That Will Show You
Exactly How To Make N60,000+ a month… Without Any…
*     Websites
*     Marketing Experience
*     Email List
*     Paid Advertisement
*     Content
*     Ideas
*     Skillsets
*     MLM

Yes that is right! You can get started today even if you have no ideas, no money or no experience.

All you need to do is just something very simple…

And that is to follow my step-by-step instructions as outlined in the book.

Can you do that? 

If Your Answer Is “YES!” Then Grab Your Copy Now...

25 ways to make money with your phone

Gets even better…
ü Scaleable
ü In High Demand
ü Newbie Friendly
ü Automatable
ü Proven And Tested

Look I’m giving you everything on a silver platter.

You just have to follow my proven system and you will be golden…

You don't need to reinvent the wheel...

I've done all the testing and proving already.

All you need to is take action today!

And you will see results!

Regular price N3,500          Today Price N1,500

Early bird special is ending soon - claim your copy now!

The price for this program will increase after
every 5 sales, so make sure to get your
instant access now.

Remember Your Purchase Is 100% Risk-Free.

If you do not see success with 25 ways to make money with your phone, I'll gladly issue you a 100% hassle-free refund!

BUT WAIT! Act now, and I will be giving away these undisclosed bonuses to help speed up your success even more! 

Click the BUY NOW button above or preferably, just make the payment ($5) N1,500 through cash deposit, or online transfer to:
Zenith Bank
Account Name: Essien Emmanuel Daniel
Account Number: 2006756840

Ecobank Bank
Account Name: Essien Emmanuel Daniel
Account Number: 0203032519

Once you make the payment, send me email to [] or take your phone and send SMS to 08113928930 / 08131974199 including
Your Full Name –
Your Email Address –
The moment we receive your SMS and confirm your payment online, the eBook will be delivered into your email box (in PDF format) within 10 minutes.

All the eBooks are in PDF and downloadable from your email inbox. You can read it on your computer/pad/phone or you print it out as a book.

For enquires call: 08113928930 / 08131974199 or email: